What is People of Purpose?

This blog was created for the sole purpose to encourage and motivate people to know that God has a plan and purpose for every individual on this earth, as they seek God's will through Jesus Christ. Jeremiah 29:11 says, "For I know the Plans I have for you says the Lord".

Our hope is all who read this blog would be inspired and empowered to know that God has made you uniquely you for a reason and purpose and as you read these interviews you will be motivated to make an impact on others lives also.

We will have interviews from people who are using their gifts, talents and abilities along with life experiences to make an impact in their own community and abroad. Some will be using their voices, athletic abilities, writing, community work, evangelism and service for God's glory to minister and make an impact one person at a time. Check back every month and sign up for our monthly newsletter to read the new monthly interviews posted here.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Interview with Bobbye Brooks & Tonilee Adamson of the Daily Disciples Ministries

Filoiann: Welcome, Bobbye and Tonilee, and thank you for taking time out of your busy schedules to do our People of Purpose interview with us. Please tell us a little about yourselves.

Bobbye and Tonilee: Bobbye lives in Encinitas with her husband, Tom. She has a stepdaughter who is 21 years old and in college locally. Tonilee lives in Carmel Valley with her husband, Rob, and has three children, two in high school and one in junior high. Bobbye is originally from Tennessee and has lived in San Diego for 12 years. Tonilee’s family is from the New Jersey area but they have lived in southern California for many years, 30 or so now. Bobbye and Tonilee met at a church Bible study, became prayer partners, and started writing and teaching Bible studies together. They have been partners in the ministry for over 7 years, watching the Lord grow, change, and expand the territory.

Filoiann: It is amazing how God brings people together for His purpose. That is wonderful. How did you both become involved in Daily Disciples Ministries, Inc. and why?

Bobbye & Tonilee: We founded Daily Disciples Ministries, Inc. with a two-fold purpose and mission: 1) evangelism and reaching the lost for Christ; 2) discipleship and training for Christians to grow in their daily walk with Christ.

Filoiann: Please explain what exactly this ministry does for the community and what it hopes to accomplish.

Bobbye & Tonilee: The Daily Disciples Ministry is a resource for churches, organizations, and other groups who are searching for solid Biblical material and teaching. We speak at women’s retreats and events. We provide curriculum to groups looking for Bible study resources (workbooks, CDs, DVDs). We teach discipleship programs to women’s groups of all sizes. We support the San Diego Rescue Mission and their efforts to feed, clothe and provide shelter for the homeless. We support the Professional Women’s Fellowship of San Diego as a resource for spiritual growth and encouragement. We host a weekend, live radio program on KPRZ 1210AM every Saturday from 10-11AM, continually speaking the message of the Gospel and the hope given through knowing Christ. We partner with other ministries, churches, and worship artists as opportunities arise and common goals are shared.

Filoiann: Can you share one particular example where your ministry made a significant impact on an individual or group and how it happened?

Bobbye & Tonilee: Our San Diego women’s conferences have had a huge impact on the women who attended. We have heard testimonies from women who were healed physically, set free from addictive habits and patterns, and found a new beginning, just from coming to the event and being taught the Word of God.

But to give a more specific example:
We recently spoke at a luncheon for business women, with the topic of women partnering in business. As we got up to speak, we sensed the Lord change our message. We began speaking words of encouragement into their hearts, not knowing any details of who they were or what they were going through. The Presence of God filled the room, actually to our surprise (it was kind of a sterile environment). Women were crying and were sharing things with us at the end that made it clearer as to why the Lord changed our message. His love for them and His encouragement to them needed to be spoken. We spent time praying for them as a group. We have received follow-up emails as to how God’s hand has touched them since this talk. It’s simply amazing what God can do if we just let Him run the program and not try to stay with our agenda.

Filoiann: Amen! That is a great story of God’s faithfulness. It is so true…when we allow God to run the program, He not only shows up but turns it out above and beyond what we can imagine or think. Are there any words of wisdom or advice you would like to impart to those who are reading this interview in regard to being a person of purpose?

Bobbye & Tonilee: Jesus is the answer. That is not a cliché. However, you have to be willing to seek Him with your questions to understand that He has the answer as well as being the Answer. No matter what you are struggling with today, remember that God is faithful. We have heard the most horrific stories from people all over the world, but their conclusion has always been the same: if you cling to the Lord, He is faithful. He will get you through whatever trial/circumstance you are in. Keep His perspective and relax. After this issue, there will be more. We live on earth. Problems are the dynamics of this world so keep your eyes on Jesus. He has overcome the world and you can too, through Him.

These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." John 16:33

Filoiann: Well said. Can you tell us what type of support your ministry relies on and how can people reach you if they would like more information?

Bobbye & Tonilee: We are a 501c3, non-profit corporation that relies heavily on donations and contributions, which are tax deductible to the donor. We also help support the ministry by speaking at events and providing resources to help those in need. For more information, please visit our website at dailydisciples.org or call toll-free 800-992-0369 and someone will gladly answer any questions you might have. We believe in freely giving and that others in turn will freely give as they are blessed by our ministry. We are called to help people and we have watched the Lord help us as we help others. We will speak at any size gathering, small or large, and will accept any offering. We know that smaller churches and groups do not have large budgets to work with and we want to help them as much as we can.

Filoiann: Thank you again, Bobbye and Tonilee, for this wonderful interview. May the Lord continue to expand your territory and grow your ministry in leaps and bounds for His Kingdom. I encourage everyone to go onto their website http://www.dailydisciples.org/ and check them out.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Interview with Ruth Wood of Comfort-Cafe.net

Interview with
Ruth Wood of Comfort-Cafe.net

Filoiann: Welcome Ruth. I am so blessed you were able to do this interview with us. Please tell us a little about your self? Ruth: I am a mother of two grown boys, wife of one husband and owner of a spoiled Siamese cat. A couple days a week I teach piano and have the most wonderful students. I love to read, exercise, and enjoy nature.
My all-time favorite way to spend time is hanging out with friends or my family.

Filoiann: I love your ministry. Can you please tell us how you became involved with Comfort- Café.net and why?

Ruth: I was contributing devotionals to Comfort-Cafe.net when the editor had to step down because of health issues. Long story short, I did not want to see this ministry die. I believed in it so much I finally decided I'd better take the baton because no one else came forward. Because of struggles and sorrows I've experienced in life, I want to comfort others with the comfort I've received. And that's what this ministry is all about. Filoiann: Please tell us more about your
ministry, and what it does for the community and what it hopes to accomplish?

Ruth: Comfort Cafe (http://www.comfort-cafe.net/) is an online Christian women's ministry that brings hope, help and healing to the hurting. The website consists of a magazine, a resource center and a blog. The internet reaches people where no one else can go—where heartaches are hidden behind closed doors and nights are long. My prayer is that the Lord will use this website to bring encouragement to women facing physical, emotional and spiritual challenges.

Filoiann: Ruth, I personally love what your ministry does for women, I also have a heart to reach out to women who are hurting and going through struggles. I have been there myself. Can you share one particular example; where your ministry, made a significant impact on an individual or group and how?

Ruth: A dramatic story does not come to mind, but many people have told me how much Comfort Cafe means to them and that they visit regularly.

Filoiann: I think this ministry is so needed these days. Do you have any words of wisdom or advice you would like to impart to those who are reading this interview in regards to being a person of purpose?

Ruth: I've learned that what matters is to seek God's will, not my own agenda in regards to ministry. This is one of those "repeat lessons" I've needed again and again. I had been fasting and praying for two months that God would reveal where He wanted me to serve when He led me to Comfort Cafe. 'I wrote a post called Baptized Dreams on my blog that speaks to the whole issue of surrender. You can read it if you scroll down to the second post on the following page: http://www.comfort-cafe.net/

Filoiann: What type of support does your ministry rely on and how can people reach you if they would like more information?

Ruth: I am always looking for writers who will submit appropriate material. We have had at least 55 writers involved over the past two years and it is wonderful to work with these servants of the Lord. I am currently looking for someone who would like to manage the resource center at the site. This vital ministry provides websites and recommended books at your fingertips addressing relevant topics—everything from abortion, abuse and divorce to infertility, prodigals, nd eating disorders. You may reach me (Ruth Wood) at info@comfortcafe.net or call 541-485-4440. I would love hearing from you.

Filoiann: Ruth, thank you so much for doing this interview with me. Your ministry is definitely making an impact in your community and abroad. I am very fortunate to be a contributing writer for Comfort Café.net and look forward to future endeavors with you and your ministry. God bless you for all you are doing in Jesus name.

Filoiann Wiedenhoff is a Pastor's Wife, Woman's Biblical Counselor, Bible TeacherWriter and Columnist. You can visit her website at http://www.filoiannwiedenhoff.com/ and sign up for her monthly ezine.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Interview with Suzanne Eller Author and Founder of "Real Teen Faith"

Filoiann: Welcome Suzanne! I’m so glad you were able to do this interview with me. First, please tell us a little about your self?

Suzanne: I’m an author, a speaker, and youth culture and parenting columnist. But first of all, I’m someone who loves Christ with a passion. My desire is to communicate that God is relevant in today’s world. I’m also a mom to three, totally in love with the guy I married a long time ago, and a cancer survivor. I love the outdoors: hiking, canoeing. And I believe cheesecake should be a food group.

Filoiann: I love your desire to communicate that God is relevant in today’s world and I also love cheesecake yum. I believe it’s so important for both youth and adults to see God as He really is. Please tell us, how did you become involved in this ministry and why?

Suzanne: I started Real Teen Faith (http://realteenfaith.com/) for two reasons: 1) to create an interactive site where teens could find helpful information about dating, abuse or challenges, family, faith, making a difference, music, and so much more; 2) to mentor talented teen writers who love God.

It’s growing so much right now. I have future plans for RTF that seem so huge, and yet I know that it’s possible. I’m integrating the theme “what can one teen do?” this summer, and writing a series of fiction books for teens based on that concept. I’m interviewing teens from all over the nation who are making a difference through picking up a hammer for a building project, digging wells in Africa, ministering to the homeless, and so much more. I eventually want to host a once-a-year RTF project where teens from all over the nation go into a community or join with an organization to leave a legacy.

I get really frustrated with people who stereotype teens. Are there teens who smoke weed, have sex, make huge mistakes, or who aren’t living to their potential? Yes, just as there are adults who are doing the same thing. But this ignores the vast number of teens who are selfless, who are intelligent, globally connected and want to climb out of the pew to change their corner of the world.

In fact, I love to highlight these teens on Real Teen Faith. E-mail me if you know a teen who has overcome difficult challenges, or who is making a difference in their community, or who has a story they want to share. http://us.mc455.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=tseller@daretobelieve.org or Facebook me (Suzanne Eller).

Filoiann: Suzanne, I am personally inspired by your heart for the youth today and I love your vision for RTF. Can you share one particular example; where your ministry made a significant impact on an individual or group and how?

The most exciting thing that has happened is that two of our former RTF staff writers are now connected with reputable agents in the industry. One day I will pick up a book with their byline on the cover.

I am a huge believer in mentoring. I am a community mentor, going into four area high schools with other women to mentor 450+ freshman girls. In fact, just this last week we had an all-day trolley tour of our city, ending with a concert with Colton Swon (was one of the top 50 in this season’s American Idol) and his brother, Zach. There were 27 girls and by the end of the day they realized that there were so many opportunities in our community to make a difference. It was a fun, awesome day.

This concept is the foundation of Real Teen Faith. Perhaps that is my greatest hope: to come along side teens who don’t want to be “fixed”, but encouraged, motivated, and to have an example as they find their own way and God’s plan for their life.

Filoiann: I’m a firm believer in mentorship and applaud you for allowing God to use you in this way. Sometimes the best gift we can give to someone else is our time. What words of wisdom or advice would you like to impart to those who are reading this interview in regards to being a person of purpose?

Suzanne: Do something. One thing. It may seem small, but it’s amazing how big one small thing can be. When I was a teen my home life was very difficult. There were people in my little church who had no clue, but they were faithful. They encouraged me. They were patient with me. I wasn’t “churched”. I didn’t know the right things to say or do, but they showed me Christ in the small stuff. Every person I impact is due to their influence. It’s amazing how one small act can grow, and I believe that one day people will be surprised at what they have accomplished in their lives simply by doing one thing.

Filoiann: I like how you say, “Do Something…One thing”. It reminds me of Jesus and how He discipled twelve men and those few men went on to change the world. What a different world this would be if more believers carried on that same vision. To be willing to spend time with at least one person and that person went on to spend time with one person and so on and so forth. This is what we call, The Master Plan of Evangelism according to Robert E. Coleman. As you said, one person can make a difference just doing one thing.

I also know how important it is to have support in our ministry. Tell us what type of support does your ministry rely on and how can people reach you if they would like more information?

Suzanne: It is solely supported by me financially through my books, speaking, and freelance writing. Any time someone buys a book of mine through amazon.com, or asks their bookstore to order in a book, or they leave a review online, or they share the word with others about the books or website or ministry, it is such a great partnership, and I’m grateful. If anyone is interested in donating, it would go directly back into the ministry 100%. We also are grateful for prayer. Right now RTF is growing so much that we are asking for direction. J

BIO: Suzanne Eller is the author of Making It Real: Whose Faith Is It Anyway? Along with five other books, 600+ articles, blogs, and columns. She has been featured on hundreds of radio and TV programs such as Focus on the Family, Aspiring Women, PrimeTime America , Roc House Café, and others. She can be reached at http://www.realteenfaith.com/ or http://us.mc455.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=tseller@daretobelieve.org.

Filoiann: Suzanne, It was a pleasure doing this interview with you. I love your ministry and your heart to reach out to the youth today and be a living example that God does work through people. Thank you for allowing me this interview and sharing your time with us. May the Lord continue to bless you and your ministry.

Interview by Filoiann Wiedenhoff. She is a pastor's wife, woman's biblical counselor, writer and columnist. You can view her website on http://www.filoiannwiedenhoff.com/.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Interview with Benson T. Mauga, Founder of SAHC

Interview with Benson T. Mauga of
Samoan Athletes Heart of Champions

Interview PDF Version

Filoiann: Welcome Pastor Benson. Thank you for having this interview with us. Please tell us a little about yourself.

Pastor Benson: Talofa! I am Benson T. Mauga, age 47, father of six sons: Benson Jr., 28; Dallas , 25; Rainbow, 23; Magnum, 21; and Hutch & Homer (twins), 17. Not forgotten is my beautiful, faithful wife, Mouna, for 27 years. I am a born again Christian in Christ from 2001, and the founder of the Samoan Athletes Heart of Champions ministry from Windsor Hills Community Church , Pastored by Sam Calhoun.

Filoiann: Please tell us how you became involved in this ministry and why?

Pastor Benson: Samoan Athletes Heart of Champions was a vision and a dream to pass on to our future generations. It started from my family and where I grew up from one of the tiny islands in the South Pacific Samoa Islands . Tutuila is now American Samoa with seven islands . I was one of the outstanding Samoan Athletes from Samoana HS (American Samoa -1978), that did not make it to the next level due to funding. But the Lord knew the plans He had for me and my future. I successfully served our country for 22 years. It was God’s calling for me to reach out to our young generations not only for athletic, but for a spiritual foundation of faith. A motto from one of our elders, who has since passed on, is: “ Samoa muamua le Atua” which means, “Samoan put God first.” We have such a strong heart when we are committed to a mission, such as sports activities, and military service.

Filoiann: Please explain what exactly, “Samoan Athletes Heart of Champions” does for the community and what it hopes to accomplish?

Pastor Benson: Samoan Athletes Heart of Champions reaches out to the community and local churches for fellowship services annually here in San Diego , CA . We also reach out to people in our homeland in American Samoa . We go to high schools for small group bible studies. ” for their spiritual growth and fellowship.

We also provide free Bibles for each participating Athlete. In 2006, we launched our ministry in American Samoa , and last year we held the American Samoa Combine Clinic for all their high schools. We partnered with AIGA Foundation, Gridiron Ministries, and Allen Allen to give back to our local Samoan Athletes the faith we have from our hearts. Our host was American Samoa Teen Challenge by Pastor Otto & Vickie Haleck. Our goal is to plant seeds to these young athletes and encourage them to seek His kingdom. “By FAITH!” is our motto to our young generations.

Filoiann: You have a blessed ministry that is truly making an impact in your community and abroad. What words of wisdom or advice would you like to impart to those who are reading this interview in regard to being a person of purpose?

Pastor Benson: “I know the plans I have for you says the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11. We should not neglect our responsibility to our children. Keep the faith and pray that they will listen one day as our Lord promises us a hope and a future.

Filoiann: Thank you for those words of wisdom. Please share with us the type of support your ministry relies on and how people can reach you if they would like more info and/or to make a contribution.

Pastor Benson: We support our Samoan Athletes spiritually and through local community college referrals; that is, if they are not moving out for other divisional opportunities. Sons and Daughters, you can try to be the best you can be. You have more opportunities here in the mainland than our Samoan Athletes in the Islands . My local church and family financially support our own fairs and purchased almost 800 Bibles from FCA for our Samoan Athletes. For more info, contact: Benson T. Mauga, 1705 Dartmoor Drive , Lemon Grove , CA 91945 . Phone: (619) 838-9877; e-mail: BTmauga@aol.com. Our next mission is to New Zealand . We are still awaiting a local host/contact sponsor during the summer 2009. We also have our Combine Clinic, Football & Volleyball Clinic, and Coaches Clinic as well. So, keep us in your prayer listing for the needs of our Samoan Athletes in New Zealand .

Filoiann: It was a pleasure doing this interview with you. May the Lord bless your ministry 100 fold. Fa’afetai Tele Lava, Tofa Soifua. (Thank you very much, farewell and best wishes)

Pastor Benson: Soifua, (Farewell—best wishes) Heart for Christ; Benson & Mouna Mauga (Youth Pastor/SAHC)

This interview is by Filoiann Wiedenhoff, a pastor's wife, woman's biblical counselor, bible teacher, writer and columnist. You can view her website at http://www.filoiannwiedenhoff.com/and sign up for her monthly newsletter.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Author and Speaker, Mary E. DeMuth

People of Purpose Interview with
Author & Speaker Mary E. DeMuth

People Making an Impact!

Filoiann: Thank you and welcome, Mary DeMuth, for taking the time to do this interview. We are so pleased to have you. Would you mind telling us a little about yourself?

Mary: I am a speaker and freelance writer who writes novels (Watching the Tree Limbs, Wishing on Dandelions) and parenting books (Ordinary Mom, Extraordinary God, Building the Christian Family You Never Had, Authentic Parenting in a Postmodern Culture). I have five books out with four more on the way in the next two years. I have three kids, one husband, a cat and a needy dog. We recently returned from church planting in France.

Filoiann: Wow! Your ministry is truly a blessing. How did you become involved in this writing and speaking ministry and why?

Mary: I’ve been writing all my adult life. I’ve felt God’s favor and calling throughout my ministry and career.

Filoiann: Please explain what exactly your ministry is doing for the community and what do you hope to accomplish?

Mary: It’s my hope that my writing and speaking will help folks turn their trials to triumph through the power and grace of Jesus Christ.

Filoiann: Can you share one particular example - such as where your ministry made a significant impact on an individual or group and how?

Mary: I recently spoke to a women’s retreat. While there, I felt led to share my own experiences with childhood sexual abuse. Later, the woman who coordinated the retreat told me she’d been praying about starting a support group for women who were sexual abuse victims. She said my being open about my own abuse opened the door for her to start the support group.

Filoiann: Mary, your story is a great example of being an open vessel for God and because of your willingness and obedience to share your personal testimony, God was glorified and women were ministered to. God is faithful and that is a blessing. It reminds me of this scripture, Revelation 12:11, "and they overcame him by the blood of the lamb and the word of their testimony and they did not love their lives to the death." NKJV

Filoiann: What words of wisdom or advice would you like to impart to those who are reading this interview in regard to being a person of purpose?

Mary: Our ministry flows from our hearts. If our hearts are not right before God, we can’t hope to minister to folks. We can only give away what we’ve received.

Filoiann: What type of support does your ministry rely on and how can people reach you if they would like more information?

Mary: I generate income through speaking and the sales of my books. You can visit my website at http://www.marydemuth.com/.

Filoiann: Mary, thank you for allowing me this interview and sharing your time with us. I can honestly say that Mary's heart is definitely in the right place. She is a wonderful woman of God and down to earth. I encourage everyone to go to her website and check out her books!

Filoiann Wiedenhoff is a Pastor's Wife, Woman's Biblical Counselor, Writer and Columnist. You can visit her website http://www.filoiannwiedenhoff.com/ and sign-up for her monthly newsletter.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Raymond Toilolo and Gridiron Ministries

People of Purpose
People Making an Impact in their community and abroad.

Interview with Raymond Toilolo of Gridiron Ministries

Filoiann: Welcome, I'm thrilled you were able to do this interview with me. First, please tell us a little about your self?

Pastor Ray: My name is Raymond Toilolo. I’m an Associate Pastor at Christian Life Center of San Diego, Founder of Gridiron Ministries and in charge of the Freshmen & JV football programs at Helix High School.

I’m happily married to a wonderful and beautiful woman of God Trina, for 23 years. She’s my best friend, my assistant coach, my business partner, and my spiritual partner. She’s been everything to our children and me. God has blessed me with the perfect woman.

My son Ray (23) is married to Faailuga with 1 yr old son Titus. (my Awesome grandson) Ray is going to school for physical therapy in Sports Injuries, Chasity (21) is attending the University of Utah on a track scholarship, studying Sports Science. Levine (16) just recently accepted a football scholarship to Stanford University for 2009 and our youngest daughter Sydni (12), her goal is to attend and play college softball. I am very blessed and proud of our children. They are all Christians who have accepted Christ as their Lord & Savior, what a joy to know we’ll be with our children forever.

Filoiann: How did you become involved in Gridiron Ministries?

Pastor Ray: The Lord led me to form Gridiron Ministries in 2003; I’ve been involved in sports all my life as an athlete and a coach. There is so much you can learn from sports that will assist you later in life. It’s a way to minister to the young athletes. Coaches and Athletes are so influential in today’s society, but the wrong message is given to our young athletes of today, with the many arrests, deaths, drugs and alcohol. the character of an athlete is not positive. My prayers are to change the mindset of our young people, to fulfill their purpose and goals according to God’s will.

Filoiann: Please explain what does Gridiron Ministries do for the community and what it hopes to accomplish?

Pastor Ray: Gridiron Ministries is sports ministry geared towards youth and sports. Football & sports is the platform we utilize that draws young people to workout and participate in specific drills for speed, power and conditioning. It’s a mentorship program to teach our young people character through the Word of God, to improve their academic standards and enhance their God-given athletic abilities to be successful in their chosen sport. We empower the young people to reach their highest potential Spiritually, Academically, and Athletically. (Spirit, Soul and Body)

Filoiann: What words of wisdom or advice would you like to impart to those who are reading this interview in regards to being a person of purpose?

Pastor Ray: I would encourage your readers to really seek God for their purpose in life and obey their calling. I spent 4-5 years trying to fulfill my career desires and goals, and all along, I knew where my heart and passion was, to impact other lives in Christ. The story of Jonah comes to mind when we do not obey God’s calling. A sermon I recently heard was so correct when Pastor Jack Sheets Jr. said; running from God’s assignment doesn’t cancel the assignment. Philippians 1:6 says; being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ. In Jeremiah 1, God states before He formed us in the womb, He knew us. The plan for our life is set, we just have to be obedient to the life God has called us too. I have such peace and joy in serving the Lord, and making a difference in the lives of others.

Filoiann: What type of support does your ministry rely on and how can people reach you if they would like to contribute or more info?

Pastor Ray: We solely rely on donations. The numbers of young people we minister to have increased. To continue to provide sufficient workouts, we need to purchase more equipment. We are praying that God will provide our own indoor warehouse workout facility, to conduct bible studies, tutoring, indoor workouts, weight room, computers for education stations and film room for college coaches. Please keep us in prayer. For more info you can visit our website at http://www.gridironministries.info/ or we can be reached at coachrayt@cox.net or gridironsd@yahoo.com

Filoiann: Thank you for allowing me this interview and sharing your time with us. I can testify that my son has personally benefited from Gridiron Ministries and so have many other boys and girls. This ministry is truly a blessing and making an impact. If anyone reading this interview is interested in either supporting their cause or getting involved, please don't hesitate to contact Pastor and Coach Raymond Toilolo.

Pastor Ray: Filoi, thank you for giving us an opportunity to share with your readers. It’s an honor and a privilege to be part of something special you’re doing around the world. You’re touching and changing lives around the globe. I pray continued blessings and success in God’s calling on your life. Your newsletters are very encouraging and a blessing. Keep up the great work, and May the Lord anoint everything you do.
In Christ,

Ray ToiloloGridiron Ministries

People of Purpose is a segment of Filoiann Wiedenhoff's column "How Do We Deal?" that is published on four websites and two international newspapers. Receive our monthly "People of Purpose" interview update by signing-up for her monthly newsletter. Visit her website http://www.filoiannwiedenhoff.com/ or her “People of Purpose” Blog at http://www.peopleofpurpose-fw.blogspot.com/
Copyright by Filoiann Wiedenhoff. All Rights Reserved.

Friday, May 16, 2008

May Issue - People of Purpose Introduction

People of Purpose
People Making an Impact!

I am very excited to share that next month; the last week of June I will be submitting my first "People of Purpose" interview. It will be posted the last Sunday of every month with interviews from people who are making an impact in their community and abroad by fulfilling their God given purpose in Jesus name.

These interviews will be coming from people who are involved in a community ministry, organization or foundation who are definitely touching the lives of others using their gifts, talents and abilities to impact,others to live the abundant life that God has planned for them.

Some of these interviews will be coming from people who are using their athletic abilities, their voices, writing, teaching, mentoring and discipleship to fill a need and be used by God to make a difference one person at a time.

The main purpose for the "People of Purpose" segment is to stir up and motivate others to know that God has a plan and purpose for each person on this earth and as they turn to Christ and allow Christ to work in them and through them He is able to use them to make an impact on another person's life.

Jeremiah 29:11 says, "For I know the plans I have for you says the Lord, to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you a future and a hope." NKJV

Notice that this passage says the plans He has for you and not our plans. In other words God has a plan for you and that plan is to bless you, give you a future and a hope. God's ultimate plan is that we would glorify Him and love Him forever and as we fulfill our purpose here on earth He is glorified, because He created us uniquely for that very reason.

I want to encourage you that God has a plan and purpose for your life. If you don't know Jesus, please ask Him to come into your heart, confess your sins and ask Him to take over your life and He is faithful and will do it. It was 22 years ago that I made this same choice and it was the best decision I have ever made. Christ Himself dwells in my heart and has given me a new life and a new purpose and now I live for Him.

I hope that you are encouraged to know that Jesus loves you and has a plan and a purpose for your life. Please keep a look out for our first interview in June from Pastor and Coach, Raymond Toilolo who runs Gridiron Ministries and find out more about how his ministry reaches out to many kids in the community and abroad. I gaurantee you will be encouraged!

Blessings, Filoiann Wiedenhoff

Filoiann Wiedenhoff is a pastor's wife, woman's biblical counselor, bible teacher, writer and columnist. You can visit her website http://www.filoiannwiedenhoff.com/ and sign up for her monthly newsletter.