What is People of Purpose?

This blog was created for the sole purpose to encourage and motivate people to know that God has a plan and purpose for every individual on this earth, as they seek God's will through Jesus Christ. Jeremiah 29:11 says, "For I know the Plans I have for you says the Lord".

Our hope is all who read this blog would be inspired and empowered to know that God has made you uniquely you for a reason and purpose and as you read these interviews you will be motivated to make an impact on others lives also.

We will have interviews from people who are using their gifts, talents and abilities along with life experiences to make an impact in their own community and abroad. Some will be using their voices, athletic abilities, writing, community work, evangelism and service for God's glory to minister and make an impact one person at a time. Check back every month and sign up for our monthly newsletter to read the new monthly interviews posted here.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Interview with Bobbye Brooks & Tonilee Adamson of the Daily Disciples Ministries

Filoiann: Welcome, Bobbye and Tonilee, and thank you for taking time out of your busy schedules to do our People of Purpose interview with us. Please tell us a little about yourselves.

Bobbye and Tonilee: Bobbye lives in Encinitas with her husband, Tom. She has a stepdaughter who is 21 years old and in college locally. Tonilee lives in Carmel Valley with her husband, Rob, and has three children, two in high school and one in junior high. Bobbye is originally from Tennessee and has lived in San Diego for 12 years. Tonilee’s family is from the New Jersey area but they have lived in southern California for many years, 30 or so now. Bobbye and Tonilee met at a church Bible study, became prayer partners, and started writing and teaching Bible studies together. They have been partners in the ministry for over 7 years, watching the Lord grow, change, and expand the territory.

Filoiann: It is amazing how God brings people together for His purpose. That is wonderful. How did you both become involved in Daily Disciples Ministries, Inc. and why?

Bobbye & Tonilee: We founded Daily Disciples Ministries, Inc. with a two-fold purpose and mission: 1) evangelism and reaching the lost for Christ; 2) discipleship and training for Christians to grow in their daily walk with Christ.

Filoiann: Please explain what exactly this ministry does for the community and what it hopes to accomplish.

Bobbye & Tonilee: The Daily Disciples Ministry is a resource for churches, organizations, and other groups who are searching for solid Biblical material and teaching. We speak at women’s retreats and events. We provide curriculum to groups looking for Bible study resources (workbooks, CDs, DVDs). We teach discipleship programs to women’s groups of all sizes. We support the San Diego Rescue Mission and their efforts to feed, clothe and provide shelter for the homeless. We support the Professional Women’s Fellowship of San Diego as a resource for spiritual growth and encouragement. We host a weekend, live radio program on KPRZ 1210AM every Saturday from 10-11AM, continually speaking the message of the Gospel and the hope given through knowing Christ. We partner with other ministries, churches, and worship artists as opportunities arise and common goals are shared.

Filoiann: Can you share one particular example where your ministry made a significant impact on an individual or group and how it happened?

Bobbye & Tonilee: Our San Diego women’s conferences have had a huge impact on the women who attended. We have heard testimonies from women who were healed physically, set free from addictive habits and patterns, and found a new beginning, just from coming to the event and being taught the Word of God.

But to give a more specific example:
We recently spoke at a luncheon for business women, with the topic of women partnering in business. As we got up to speak, we sensed the Lord change our message. We began speaking words of encouragement into their hearts, not knowing any details of who they were or what they were going through. The Presence of God filled the room, actually to our surprise (it was kind of a sterile environment). Women were crying and were sharing things with us at the end that made it clearer as to why the Lord changed our message. His love for them and His encouragement to them needed to be spoken. We spent time praying for them as a group. We have received follow-up emails as to how God’s hand has touched them since this talk. It’s simply amazing what God can do if we just let Him run the program and not try to stay with our agenda.

Filoiann: Amen! That is a great story of God’s faithfulness. It is so true…when we allow God to run the program, He not only shows up but turns it out above and beyond what we can imagine or think. Are there any words of wisdom or advice you would like to impart to those who are reading this interview in regard to being a person of purpose?

Bobbye & Tonilee: Jesus is the answer. That is not a cliché. However, you have to be willing to seek Him with your questions to understand that He has the answer as well as being the Answer. No matter what you are struggling with today, remember that God is faithful. We have heard the most horrific stories from people all over the world, but their conclusion has always been the same: if you cling to the Lord, He is faithful. He will get you through whatever trial/circumstance you are in. Keep His perspective and relax. After this issue, there will be more. We live on earth. Problems are the dynamics of this world so keep your eyes on Jesus. He has overcome the world and you can too, through Him.

These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." John 16:33

Filoiann: Well said. Can you tell us what type of support your ministry relies on and how can people reach you if they would like more information?

Bobbye & Tonilee: We are a 501c3, non-profit corporation that relies heavily on donations and contributions, which are tax deductible to the donor. We also help support the ministry by speaking at events and providing resources to help those in need. For more information, please visit our website at dailydisciples.org or call toll-free 800-992-0369 and someone will gladly answer any questions you might have. We believe in freely giving and that others in turn will freely give as they are blessed by our ministry. We are called to help people and we have watched the Lord help us as we help others. We will speak at any size gathering, small or large, and will accept any offering. We know that smaller churches and groups do not have large budgets to work with and we want to help them as much as we can.

Filoiann: Thank you again, Bobbye and Tonilee, for this wonderful interview. May the Lord continue to expand your territory and grow your ministry in leaps and bounds for His Kingdom. I encourage everyone to go onto their website http://www.dailydisciples.org/ and check them out.