“People of Purpose” Interview
Pastor Julius Maina Mbayachi
Filoiann: Welcome Pastor Julius and thank you for doing this interview with me. Please tell us a little about your self?
Pastor Julius: I am Pastor Julius Maina Mbayachi from Kenya, Africa. I was born in 1968 and married to one wife by name of Pamella Malesi Maina and we have six children and the first three are boys and the last three are girls. We have been married for 18 years.
Filoiann: Praise the Lord for your beautiful family. Please tell us how you became involved in your ministry and why?
Pastor Julius: l became involved in ministry after getting born again in 1984 and was later trained in discipleship for one year and was sent in the field for winning souls for the Kingdom. l was being told by my mentor that l had a calling of a shepherd but l refused. Time came when it was confirmed three times and l felt l was released to go for ministry to serve others. This was proven by the way l handled and served people.
Filoiann: Your testimony is a great example of how the Lord will not only call us but He will also confirm it. Please explain what exactly your ministry does for the community and what does it hope to accomplish?
Pastor Julius: We are reaching the community with the good news of Jesus Christ and also we are doing with the little resources we have available to help the poor by giving them food, clothes and other essential needs. We are also praying that we get training to provide clean water for the community as we share the good news of Jesus.
Filoiann: Your community outreaches are powerful and effective because you share the good news of Jesus Christ but also you put actions to your words by ministering in practical ways to the poor and the needy. It reminds me of the passage, “Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.” NKJV- James 1:27. Could you please share one particular example where your ministry made a significant impact on an individual or group and how?
Pastor Julius: Our ministry reached out one day in a village with the good news of Jesus Christ and shared the good news to a woman who was almost dying of the HIV-AIDS virus. She received Jesus Christ and we encouraged her to come to church for worship and when she came to the church service she was again preached to and given hope. Thank God she is completely healed and today she is in church and her example has led many to know Jesus Christ.
Filoiann: WOW… is what I say to your testimony! This is a powerful story of how God is still in the business of hope, healing and miracles. Amen! Would you like to share a few words of wisdom or advice to those who are reading this interview in regards to being a person of purpose?
Pastor Julius: We have to accept and be willing to get equipped to do the work of the ministry because we cannot do it in our own power. We should intensify prayer first to know our position where we are called to serve in the body of Christ.
Filoiann: Amen. I pray many will be encouraged to not run away from their calling and purpose but embrace it as God’s plan for their lives. What type of support does your ministry rely on and how can people reach you if they would like more information?
Pastor Julius: We rely entirely on the Lord and the offerings and contributions we may get from the partners in ministry and friends. You can reach us by calling me on +254 721 379 873 or email me on jmbayachi@yahoo.com.
Filoiann: Thank you again Pastor Julius for this wonderful interview. May the Lord continue to bless you a hundred fold for doing the work of the ministry, which is the ministry of reconciliation through Jesus Christ. I encourage anyone who is looking for a ministry to support to please consider supporting Pastor Julius Mbayachi in Kenya Africa. You may go onto my website http://www.filoiannwiedenhoff.com/ and view the slide show of His ministry.
Filoiann Wiedenhoff is a pastor’s wife, women’s biblical counselor, bible teacher, writer and columnist. You can visit her website http://www.filoiannwiedenhoff.com/ and sign-up for her monthly newsletter.
Pastor Julius Maina Mbayachi
Filoiann: Welcome Pastor Julius and thank you for doing this interview with me. Please tell us a little about your self?
Pastor Julius: I am Pastor Julius Maina Mbayachi from Kenya, Africa. I was born in 1968 and married to one wife by name of Pamella Malesi Maina and we have six children and the first three are boys and the last three are girls. We have been married for 18 years.
Filoiann: Praise the Lord for your beautiful family. Please tell us how you became involved in your ministry and why?
Pastor Julius: l became involved in ministry after getting born again in 1984 and was later trained in discipleship for one year and was sent in the field for winning souls for the Kingdom. l was being told by my mentor that l had a calling of a shepherd but l refused. Time came when it was confirmed three times and l felt l was released to go for ministry to serve others. This was proven by the way l handled and served people.
Filoiann: Your testimony is a great example of how the Lord will not only call us but He will also confirm it. Please explain what exactly your ministry does for the community and what does it hope to accomplish?
Pastor Julius: We are reaching the community with the good news of Jesus Christ and also we are doing with the little resources we have available to help the poor by giving them food, clothes and other essential needs. We are also praying that we get training to provide clean water for the community as we share the good news of Jesus.
Filoiann: Your community outreaches are powerful and effective because you share the good news of Jesus Christ but also you put actions to your words by ministering in practical ways to the poor and the needy. It reminds me of the passage, “Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.” NKJV- James 1:27. Could you please share one particular example where your ministry made a significant impact on an individual or group and how?
Pastor Julius: Our ministry reached out one day in a village with the good news of Jesus Christ and shared the good news to a woman who was almost dying of the HIV-AIDS virus. She received Jesus Christ and we encouraged her to come to church for worship and when she came to the church service she was again preached to and given hope. Thank God she is completely healed and today she is in church and her example has led many to know Jesus Christ.
Filoiann: WOW… is what I say to your testimony! This is a powerful story of how God is still in the business of hope, healing and miracles. Amen! Would you like to share a few words of wisdom or advice to those who are reading this interview in regards to being a person of purpose?
Pastor Julius: We have to accept and be willing to get equipped to do the work of the ministry because we cannot do it in our own power. We should intensify prayer first to know our position where we are called to serve in the body of Christ.
Filoiann: Amen. I pray many will be encouraged to not run away from their calling and purpose but embrace it as God’s plan for their lives. What type of support does your ministry rely on and how can people reach you if they would like more information?
Pastor Julius: We rely entirely on the Lord and the offerings and contributions we may get from the partners in ministry and friends. You can reach us by calling me on +254 721 379 873 or email me on jmbayachi@yahoo.com.
Filoiann: Thank you again Pastor Julius for this wonderful interview. May the Lord continue to bless you a hundred fold for doing the work of the ministry, which is the ministry of reconciliation through Jesus Christ. I encourage anyone who is looking for a ministry to support to please consider supporting Pastor Julius Mbayachi in Kenya Africa. You may go onto my website http://www.filoiannwiedenhoff.com/ and view the slide show of His ministry.
Filoiann Wiedenhoff is a pastor’s wife, women’s biblical counselor, bible teacher, writer and columnist. You can visit her website http://www.filoiannwiedenhoff.com/ and sign-up for her monthly newsletter.