What is People of Purpose?

This blog was created for the sole purpose to encourage and motivate people to know that God has a plan and purpose for every individual on this earth, as they seek God's will through Jesus Christ. Jeremiah 29:11 says, "For I know the Plans I have for you says the Lord".

Our hope is all who read this blog would be inspired and empowered to know that God has made you uniquely you for a reason and purpose and as you read these interviews you will be motivated to make an impact on others lives also.

We will have interviews from people who are using their gifts, talents and abilities along with life experiences to make an impact in their own community and abroad. Some will be using their voices, athletic abilities, writing, community work, evangelism and service for God's glory to minister and make an impact one person at a time. Check back every month and sign up for our monthly newsletter to read the new monthly interviews posted here.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Interview with Ruth Wood of Comfort-Cafe.net

Interview with
Ruth Wood of Comfort-Cafe.net

Filoiann: Welcome Ruth. I am so blessed you were able to do this interview with us. Please tell us a little about your self? Ruth: I am a mother of two grown boys, wife of one husband and owner of a spoiled Siamese cat. A couple days a week I teach piano and have the most wonderful students. I love to read, exercise, and enjoy nature.
My all-time favorite way to spend time is hanging out with friends or my family.

Filoiann: I love your ministry. Can you please tell us how you became involved with Comfort- Café.net and why?

Ruth: I was contributing devotionals to Comfort-Cafe.net when the editor had to step down because of health issues. Long story short, I did not want to see this ministry die. I believed in it so much I finally decided I'd better take the baton because no one else came forward. Because of struggles and sorrows I've experienced in life, I want to comfort others with the comfort I've received. And that's what this ministry is all about. Filoiann: Please tell us more about your
ministry, and what it does for the community and what it hopes to accomplish?

Ruth: Comfort Cafe (http://www.comfort-cafe.net/) is an online Christian women's ministry that brings hope, help and healing to the hurting. The website consists of a magazine, a resource center and a blog. The internet reaches people where no one else can go—where heartaches are hidden behind closed doors and nights are long. My prayer is that the Lord will use this website to bring encouragement to women facing physical, emotional and spiritual challenges.

Filoiann: Ruth, I personally love what your ministry does for women, I also have a heart to reach out to women who are hurting and going through struggles. I have been there myself. Can you share one particular example; where your ministry, made a significant impact on an individual or group and how?

Ruth: A dramatic story does not come to mind, but many people have told me how much Comfort Cafe means to them and that they visit regularly.

Filoiann: I think this ministry is so needed these days. Do you have any words of wisdom or advice you would like to impart to those who are reading this interview in regards to being a person of purpose?

Ruth: I've learned that what matters is to seek God's will, not my own agenda in regards to ministry. This is one of those "repeat lessons" I've needed again and again. I had been fasting and praying for two months that God would reveal where He wanted me to serve when He led me to Comfort Cafe. 'I wrote a post called Baptized Dreams on my blog that speaks to the whole issue of surrender. You can read it if you scroll down to the second post on the following page: http://www.comfort-cafe.net/

Filoiann: What type of support does your ministry rely on and how can people reach you if they would like more information?

Ruth: I am always looking for writers who will submit appropriate material. We have had at least 55 writers involved over the past two years and it is wonderful to work with these servants of the Lord. I am currently looking for someone who would like to manage the resource center at the site. This vital ministry provides websites and recommended books at your fingertips addressing relevant topics—everything from abortion, abuse and divorce to infertility, prodigals, nd eating disorders. You may reach me (Ruth Wood) at info@comfortcafe.net or call 541-485-4440. I would love hearing from you.

Filoiann: Ruth, thank you so much for doing this interview with me. Your ministry is definitely making an impact in your community and abroad. I am very fortunate to be a contributing writer for Comfort Café.net and look forward to future endeavors with you and your ministry. God bless you for all you are doing in Jesus name.

Filoiann Wiedenhoff is a Pastor's Wife, Woman's Biblical Counselor, Bible TeacherWriter and Columnist. You can visit her website at http://www.filoiannwiedenhoff.com/ and sign up for her monthly ezine.