What is People of Purpose?

This blog was created for the sole purpose to encourage and motivate people to know that God has a plan and purpose for every individual on this earth, as they seek God's will through Jesus Christ. Jeremiah 29:11 says, "For I know the Plans I have for you says the Lord".

Our hope is all who read this blog would be inspired and empowered to know that God has made you uniquely you for a reason and purpose and as you read these interviews you will be motivated to make an impact on others lives also.

We will have interviews from people who are using their gifts, talents and abilities along with life experiences to make an impact in their own community and abroad. Some will be using their voices, athletic abilities, writing, community work, evangelism and service for God's glory to minister and make an impact one person at a time. Check back every month and sign up for our monthly newsletter to read the new monthly interviews posted here.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Interview with Thelma Wells

Filoiann: For starters, please read Thelma’s amazing biography:

From times of singing in a dark closet to the founding of a national women’s mentoring ministry, Thelma Wells' life has been a courageous journey of faith. Thelma grew up to become a trailblazer for black women, a prominent international speaker and author, and a wife, mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother. As a student at North Texas State University in Denton, Texas (now the University of North Texas), she was a member of the first group of girls to integrate the school’s dormitories. She earned her Bachelor’s degree there and eventually received a Master’s of Ministry from Master’s International School of Divinity in Evansville, Indiana. In 2002 she became the school’s first black female professor. Thelma has been married to George Wells, her best friend, supporter, and encourager, for over 47 years. The couple lives in Dallas, Texas, and has three children, eight grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. Her latest book is in stores now called, “Don’t Give in God Wants YOU to Win”.

Filoiann: Thank you Thelma for doing this interview with me. Please tell us how you became involved in this ministry and why?

Thelma: As an international speaker for governmental agencies, corporations, colleges and universities and other secular organizations I was not allowed to be as bold with the Word of God that I felt led to be. I prayed and asked God to give me a forum where I could speak out boldly for Him. In 1994 He opened the door for me to get my own television show and I called it “A Woman of God.” Thus was born the name of my present ministry, A Woman of God Ministries.

Filoiann: Please explain what Woman of God Ministries does for the community and what it hopes to accomplish?

Thelma: Our vision is quite simple. We believe God has birthed this ministry to cause effective, positive change in the people we serve, their families and their communities, by motivating and encouraging them to be their best for God. We believe that we have been raised up, in part, as fruit to teach, preach, and be an example of the Titus 2:3-5 and Proverbs 31woman. We have the vision to see as many people healed, saved and delivered by God’s grace, and empowered by the Holy Spirit to do the work for which God called them.

The Purpose of A Woman of God MinistriesThe purpose of our existence is to lift up the Name of Jesus Christ and to provide a "safe place" for those who have been wounded by the world so that they can be saved, healed, set free, and matured in Christ Jesus our Lord. Our Motto is: “In Christ, you can BEE the best!” Philippians 4:13By God’s Help we can: Bee Aware of who we are Eliminate the negatives Strive for Eternal Value Have overwhelming Success!B+E+E=S

Filoiann: Amen! What a powerful ministry that empowers, encourages and supports women to BEE themselves in Christ as conquerors through His power and glory. Would you like to share an example of how your ministry has made an impact on an individual or group and how?

Thelma: The following note sample is what I get all the time. There are so many examples that I can’t count them. Praise God!

Hi Thelma,
I attended my very first Women Of Faith conference in 1998. I was alone, recently divorced, and very much lonely. You shared with us that when your daughters called you with a pressing issue or concern you told them to turn on the praise music for one hour and then call you back. Often times they didn't have to call you back because whatever was so all consuming one hour before was not such a problem after spending an hour praising our Father. I have shared this and done it many times over the years. It is true you can't worry and praise God at the same time! I know God has great and awesome things in store and I am excited to see and follow on the internet where he is taking you next! I will be praying for you!

Filoiann: Since I have personally heard your testimony, I now encourage others to listen to praise music when they are down and discouraged. Thelma, what words of wisdom or advice would you like to impart to those who are reading this interview in regards to being a person of purpose?

Thelma: God has a purpose and a plan for each person’s life regardless to their beginnings or what happens in their life. I believe the only person who can keep you from accomplishing your purpose, goals, dreams and desires is YOU. We cannot blame the events of the past, the systems we are under, our families or friends for out not accomplishing what we were born to do. We miss out on these accomplishments when we become complacent, apathetic, angry, bitter, self-centered and indulge in self-pity.

I wear a bumblebee broach every day to remind me that “In Christ, I can BEE the best!” according to Philippians 4:13. With prayer, feelings of self-worth, Bible study, choosing encouraging friends, forgiving people for hurting us, daydreaming about the good things in life and preparation to accomplish our destiny, we can accomplish much at whatever age we are and whatever our social status is. One great reminder is, God loves each of us, and there’s nothing we can do about that. We are to love ourselves enough to trust God to accomplish what He started in us as He promised in Psalm 138:8.

Filoiann: We know that ministries need support. Please tell us what type of support does your ministry rely on and how can people reach you if they would like more information?

Thelma: There are two kinds of support that this ministry relies on. I have an expert team of independent contractors that work diligently with me and my daughter Vikki Wells to make sure nothing falls between the systems. These seventeen people form the Dream Team and function in their responsibilities with professionalism and peak performance.
The other type of support is financial. Because we have so many projects that are working to build the kingdom of God, we need weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual financial contributions to fund the building of a retreat center that will be built especially for couples who are having issues and want a safe and out of the way place to get guidance and healing, and hurting women who need a get-away for a little while to think, pray and regroup. It will be a HAVEN NEAR THE LAKE in a small town in Texas. The land had been purchased waiting on this building to be erected. This project will cost $1,000.000.00 to build and furnish. We also plan to build a church in Africa in an area where there is no church available that will cost the ministry $3,500.00. We have the people to oversee the building we just need the money. We want to revive our scholarship program for single mothers who want to complete their college education. We have given $2,500.00 in the past to the school of higher education where the student (single mother) is enrolled. Any financial assistance given to either of these projects is tax deductible under A Woman of God Ministries, Non-Profit, 501(c)3. Any donation amount is deeply appreciated.

Filoiann: Thank you again Thelma for doing this interview. These are wonderful projects that God is going to use for His Glory. Your ministry truly empowers women to be Women of God. Please don’t forget to visit her website at http://www.thelmawells.com/ and check out her latest books!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

New Ebook! Pastoral Helps through Grief and Loss

If you or someone you know is going through grief and loss you can download my free ebook from my website! Here's the direct link:
It's a short and practical pamphlet to help encourage and bring enlightenment to the grieving process. It also shares how God can be your comfort if you will allow Him to.
Please check it out and if you like it feel free to leave me a comment on my website through the contact page.
Sign-up for my newsletter and recieve great articles to ignite, inspire and empower you to living the abundant life God has for you.
God Bless!
Filoiann Wiedenhoff

Friday, August 28, 2009

People of Purpose Interview with Abode of Peace Orphanage in South India

Filoiann: Today’s interview is with an extraordinary couple, Bobby and Sheela who run an orphanage in South India, “Abode of Peace”. I was drawn to their ministry by the self-less and unconditional love they have for the homeless and poverty stricken children there in India so I just had to interview them regarding being people of purpose.

Bobby and Sheela welcome and thank you for taking the time to do this interview. Please tell us a little about your selves?

Bobby: My name is Bobby. I am 38 years old.I and my wife and our God given 5 daughters live in a small city called, Vizag in south India. Vizag has a 30 mile long beautiful sea shore and a natural harbor. We run an orphanage home with currently up to 120 children. We believe that this is our God given ministry. The name of the orphanage home is, ABODE OF PEACE. We founded it in 1994, with two needy children. God has done countless miracles as we are running it by faith believing God for His providence in running this Home.

I am a born again person. I understand that God has a special purpose for my life. I was so much influenced by reading the biography of George Mueller, who dared to believe God to feed countless orphans. When I read that book, this kind of faith imparted upon me that I started believing God for day to day needs and that impacted my whole life ever since. In the year 1995, I married Sheela who has an unusual heart for the poor and needy. She is the one who led me to the Lord and took me as her partner in running the orphanage home. Gradually I understood God’s great plan for my life and started working with Sheela.

Thro’ many dangers, toils and snares,I have already come;’Tis grace has brought me safe thus far,And grace will lead me home.

The above lines could better convey my testimony.

Sheela and I believe that God has a plan in each individual child in Abode of Peace. We are working His great plan in their lives as it unfolds step by step.

My wife Sheela was born again when she was studying her 10th standard in her school. From her childhood she had a compassion and burden towards the poor and needy. Under the guidance of God, she started her ministry life by sacrificing a very prospectus government job only to accept a small warden job among polio affected children in a voluntary organization. By then she completed her Masters degree in Social Work and also Masters Degree in Education. In obedience to God’s guidance, she started her ministry life among the polio affected children as a warden. And within no time she changed the polio home into a mini, “heaven” as almost all of them gave their hearts to Jesus. Later on she was promoted to be the Principal of the school. But she always had a deep burden consuming her to do something more for the poor and needy children from the bottom of her heart. She wanted to implement what all she has in her heart for the orphan children. Thus Abode of Peace came into the picture.

Then after four years, God started guiding her to start Abode of Peace with her husband Bobby in the year 1994. The scripture that touched Sheela’s life most was,”Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world. James 1:27-NKJV

Filoiann: Wow! What a powerful testimony of God’s heart imparted into ours when we seek and surrender our hearts to Him. Please tell us why, Abode of Peace came to be?

Bobby: The scripture that spoke to Sheela’s heart just mentioned, James 1:27 and also from John 9:1-5, “Now as Jesus passed by, He saw a man who was blind from birth. 2 And His disciples asked Him, saying, "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?" Jesus answered, "Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but that the works of God should be revealed in him. I* must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day; the night is coming when no one can work. “ - NKJV

From these scriptures I understood that God has a very special plan for the children who are with us in Abode of Peace and also for countless orphaned children who are in our neighborhood places. Among the children we have in Abode of Peace, some of them do not have both the parents, some of them have single parent who would be in helpless condition and some of them are unwanted by their own parents because of different reasons. And some of them being so poor, they are crippled by birth. Every one of them carries a tragic background.

But in the light of the scripture (John 9:1-4), Sheela and I believe that it is not because of their sins nor because of their parents sins but these things happened to them because God has a very special plan in their lives. We believe that God has called us to do that plan in their lives and also in as many orphaned children’s lives as possible, as the great plan of God unfolds step by step. And over the past 13 years it is proved that what we believed is true. And through the services of Abode of Peace, many of them got educated and settled down decently on their own. Most importantly almost all of them accepted the Lord Jesus as their personal Savior. We tell these children that God has a very special plan for their lives and they believe it and thus they gather up their hope and build their lives for a better tomorrow.

Filoiann: Amen! It is so important for people, especially children, to know that God has a plan and purpose for their lives. They are not just here to exist but to thrive through Jesus Christ. Bobby can you please explain what you hope to accomplish through your orphanage and how it affects the community?

Bobby: Though our country India is nuclear power and also one of the world leaders in computer software production, quite surprisingly over 600 million are in deep poverty and 300 million live below the bread-line. Economic growth accelerated in 1990s but has been offset by high birth rate, illiteracy, prejudice, widespread corruption etc.

India is a country of over 1 billion people with 44 million destitute children and over 12 million orphan children.

India has 28 states and 7 union territories and many of these states are far larger than many nations in the world.

We live in the state by name ANDHRA PRADESH in south India.

And our city Vizag has over 2.5 million people and the ratio of the percentage of the needy children would be like the above mentioned stats. And there are many neighboring villages around vizag. Many many children are suffering with many tragic backgrounds.

It is only our humble attempt to be of some help to these needy children, young adults and adults who are suffering with various needy backgrounds. Among the children who are living in Abode of Peace, some of them are from our city’s slum areas and some of them are from neighboring villages and towns.

Our Vision

Our vision is primarily to reach out to the unwanted, unloved and uncared children, who come from parentless homes (orphans), broken homes, streets and destitute kids, with true love and care. Also to reach out to the poor and needy widows, destitute men and women and old aged persons with true love and genuine concern. To sum it up in one sentence, our Vision Statement is, “To LOVE the unloved and CARE for the uncared."

Our Mission

Our Mission is to establish a HOME where food, clothing and shelter can be provided to these poor and needy children.

To provide educational and vocational training at the HOME to the children: which will enable them to build their lives… thereby assuring them of a decent and a meaningful life in the future.

To provide residential and medical facilities to the needy and old aged persons: which will give them an opportunity to spend the rest of their lives in peace and serenity.

In a nutshell the Mission Statement of Abode of Peace as the name itself suggests, is A HOME away from
Our hope is that Abode of Peace would accomplish God’s great plan in as many needy children’s’ lives as possible through its mission.

Filoiann: Can you share one particular example; where your ministry made a significant impact on an individual or group and how?

Bobby: We can share you about Santhu. She was in Abode of Peace right from the beginning that is from 1995 onwards. At that time she was studying her 10th standard in a government school. Her father is a fisherman. The family was suffering poverty. They used to live in a very small thatched hut (10ft X 10ft approximately was the entire hut size) just near to the shore. With his meager income he has to support big family of 2 daughters and 3 sons. Santhu was the oldest. His father came to know about Abode of Peace and came and joined her as he could no longer support her education. From that time onwards she grew up in Abode of Peace. She is a intelligent girl and successfully finished her Bachelors degree in sciences and Bachelors degree in Education and got a government teachers job. Above all she committed her life to the Lord Jesus and married to a full time evangelist and they are happily married with two children. So now Sheela and I have two grand children. All the children in the home call us as mommy and daddy.

Santhu’s wedding was the first wedding we performed on behalf of Abode of Peace. The pastor who performed her wedding said “though I have attended many weddings but in this wedding I am experiencing a kind of strong Anointing of God” Praise God. As we recollect these things we are just amazed to see the grace of God that He used us and trusted us. Again we remember the song:

Thro’ many dangers, toils and snares,I have already come;’Tis grace has brought me safe thus far,And grace will lead me home

In the life of Santhu, we have clearly seen how God had unfolded His great plan and how He used us to accomplish part of His great plan in their lives. Now Santhu and her husband live in a town called chirala, happily married and for vacations they come to us and spend time with us. We feel as if our children came to us. Praise God. Not only that but Santhu’s younger sister Sama also grew up in Abode of Peace. From the age of 12 Sama started living in Abode of Peace and now she is working on her Masters’ degree in Computer Applications. And also her younger brother Sudha also grew up in Abode of Peace and now he is doing a vocational course in electronics.

And we can also share about the three sisters: Rachel, Ratna and Swathi. These three sisters lost their parents when they were very young. We still remember the day when a pastor brought them to us and told their background, how they lost their parents. They came to Abode of Peace in the year 1997. For days together they used to remember their parents and they used to cry. Sheela tried her best to comfort them. And Sheela decided to keep them in our house because they are not able to forget their parents. And from then they started living with us. And in our family photo, you can see these three girls. Now three of them are born again and Rachel has completed her Masters’ degree in Education. And she is working for Abode of Peace as a mathematics teacher and supervisor. By the grace of God, very soon she is going to get married. And her younger sister Ratna is doing Bachelors degree in Education so that she could become a qualified teacher. And the youngest Swathi is just going to finish her Nursing training course this year. These three sisters are precious gifts to us and they love our Lord.

Like this almost every child in the home, we see progress by the grace of God and as His great plan unfolds gradually, they come up in lives beautifully.

Filoiann: Thank you for sharing these wonderful true life stories with us. They are living proof that nothing is impossible with God…Amen. It brought me to tears. What words of wisdom or advice would you like to impart to those who are reading this interview in regards to being a person of purpose?

Thank you for asking like this.

Bobby: For this question, Sheela’s hearts burden would be having compassion on the poor and needy. Coming from my side, as a person, who experienced His compassion and mercy, I would say that God is really a person who strongly wants us to choose living and He gives hope to the hopeless. This happened to me in my personal life. Thank God for this.

Filoiann: Abode of Peace is such a blessing. May I ask what type of support does your ministry rely on and how can people reach you if they would like more information?

Bobby: We are running Abode of Peace by depending on the free will donations of known and unknown people. Almost every other day we come across some crisis time but some miracle would see us through. This is what happening so far. It is like warfare. And Sheela and I are praying for people who could support our work on a regular basis. To support a child it would cost $35 per child per month. This amount covers everything for the child.

And we are also praying for a piece of land so that we could build dormitories for boys and girls. Presently we have rented a two storied house. In the first floor girls would live and in the ground floor boys would live. The whole building area would be 700 square yards (2100 square feet). And the children’s (120 of them) living area would be aroung 4000 sq feet. And it is really small for them. They do not have play ground and any free place to move around. This is also why we have to plan a very busy schedule for them round the clock to keep them occupied always with absolutely no flat time. This building is located in a residential area so we have to keep the children silent all the time. Every now and then neighbors would complain because of children’s noise (some of them are very naughty). Children are also really not able to get that free area where they can freely play around and have a wonderful childhood.

It is our dream and prayer that if we could buy a piece of land out side the city and build nice dormitories for these children, they could have a wonderful childhood days and a place to move around and play.

Abode of Peace is a non profit status organization having all the official eligibilities and recognitions from the government of India. As an organization we can receive donations directly to our bank account. So if any one wants to support our work or to know more about our work or for any other details, they could contact us at sheelabobby@yahoo.com and also they could visit our webpage: http://www.abodeofpeace.org/

Filoiann: Bobby and Sheela, I thank you so much for sharing your wonderful God anointed ministry with us. You are definitely making an impact in many children’s lives and I pray that God would provide abundantly more than you could imagine or think. Thank you again for this interview and may God continue to bless you as you bless so many others. I hope others reading this interview will pray about supporting this ministry. God Bless

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Interview with Donna Partow

People of Purpose Interview
Donna Partow

Filoiann: Welcome Donna and thank you so much for taking time out of your busy schedule to do this interview with me. Donna is a well known published author of several books such as; “Becoming the Woman God Wants Me to Be”, “Becoming the Woman I Want to Be” and “Becoming a Vessel God Can Use”, among many others. She also ministers abroad in foreign countries to share the love of Christ to women around the world. Donna truly is a woman and vessel God uses.

Donna: The most important thing about me is my passion to see God’s Kingdom advance upon the earth. It’s my consuming desire and stays with me most waking hours. I should probably develop a hobby or something! But I’m pretty much obsessive-compulsive on this one topic. I have such a burning desire to see Christians grasp the magnitude of the task before us—to take the light of the Gospel into every last dark corner of this planet. But I also hope they catch the vision for how beautiful, how marvelous a life lived entirely for God can be. I firmly believe the Christian life is either a great adventure or it is nothing at all. That informs how I live each day. I share that life with my husband, two daughters, a dog and a bird here in the vast desert of Arizona.

Filoiann: Donna,It is very clear by the number of women, my self included, who have been impacted by your ministry and ignited by your passion to be a vessel God can use. Please tell us how you personally became involved in your ministry and why?

Donna: God met me as I was sitting all alone by a river bank in New Jersey (not far from New York City). I was 19 years old but had already lived five years as an addict. I had not only been a drug addict, but a drug dealer to support my habit. I had been picked up by the police on several occasions. I was just completely out of control. Fortunately, some Christians began reaching out, telling me about God. And as I sat there, the truth of what they’d been sharing finally penetrated my heart and I cried out to God. It would be impossible to exaggerate the power of that moment. It changed my life forever. When I sat down by the river, I was powerless to break free from the addictions that controlled my life. When I got up, I was free. That was 28 years ago. Only God can do that.

The next day, alone again by that river, standing under a moonlit sky, I heard a voice inside me say, “Donna, I’m going to take you all over the world and I’m going to use you in a mighty way for my Kingdom.” From that moment forward, I have always been involved in ministry in some form or another. Whether teaching vacation Bible school here in the United States or going into bars to reach prostitutes in Thailand. I’ve now traveled on six continents and hope to make it to Antarctica someday. I don’t care if I have to preach to the penguins. Hey, St. Frances preached to animals!

Filoiann: Wow! That is an amazing testimony of God’s divine power and saving grace. This should be an inspiration to anyone who struggles with any addiction that God can change and transform us no matter where we are and what we are doing from the inside out and give us a new life and new purpose for His glory. Thank you for sharing this, I believe this will encourage many readers. Please explain what exactly your ministry, does for the community and what it hopes to accomplish?

Donna: The mission statement of Donna Partow International is basically this: “The church has all the easy places taken care of; what remains is the difficult task of taking God’s light to the hard places.” For me, that’s meant going into the heart of garbage cities in Lima, Peru taking the gospel to those who are so poor, no one in the 2,000 year history of the church thought it was worth the effort to reach out to them. Or into Garbage City outside Cairo, Egypt – home to two million people. Yes, two million people live among the garbage cast off by the 26 million people living in the largest Muslim city in the world. It’s meant going into the jungles of Papua New Guinea and onto the street corners of Latin America. It means going into prisons and working with the Salvation Army’s outreach to alcoholics, battered women and the homeless. Wherever there’s darkness, that’s where we need to take the light. That’s my motto: Taking the Light.

Filoiann: Can you share one particular example where your ministry made a significant impact on an individual or group and how?

There are so many but one example is our Pieces4Peace project which operates in a Muslim country, teaching women and girls quilting skills. This is a tremendous opportunity to impact people who would otherwise have no opportunity to hear that God actually loves them and wants good things for their future. Some of the young girls helped by this project would otherwise be doomed to become the fourth or fifth wife of a man three times their age.

We also partner with Rahab House in Bangkok, in the heart of the sex-slave industry. Few people realize that there are 27 million people living in slavery today. That’s more slaves than at the height of the African slave trade. It is a devastating thing to see, up close and personal, but we must see it. We can’t keep looking the other way. My heart was completely crushed by what I saw, but I agree with Bob Pierce, the Founder of World Vision, who prayed: “Let my heart be broken by the things that break the heart of God.”

Filoiann: Donna what words of wisdom or advice would you like to impart to those who are reading this interview in regards to being a person of purpose?

Donna: People often talk about finding their purpose, but to me, there’s only one purpose and that’s God’s purpose and His purpose isn’t unclear or hard to discover. Before Jesus left the planet, he spelled out it out plainly:He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.” - Mark 16:15 Penguins are part of creation, right? Now you can understand my purpose for Antarctica a little better. Just kidding, of course. Seriously, I don’t think God cares so much if you are a butcher, a baker or a tribal chief. How will you use your position and talent as a butcher, baker or tribal chief to advance HIS agenda. That’s the question.

Several years ago, I heard Bono (of U2 fame) deliver a message to American leaders at the National Prayer Breakfast. He said he had spent years asking God to bless his various endeavors, including his efforts to make the world a better place. Then finally, he heard God say, “Quit asking me to bless what you are doing. Join me in what I am doing because that is already blessed.”

So there’s the answer. Look to see what God is doing and get on board. God is moving all over the world and He is positioning his people to invade the final frontiers of darkness. Get on board. It’s a blessed ride. That’s my advice!

Filoiann: Amen, I’m a firm believer in getting under God’s anointing hand and see what He is doing and go there. What type of support does your ministry rely on and how can people reach you if they would like more information?

Donna: Thus far, most of the funding, quite honestly, has come from my husband and me. But we would certainly love to expand our international outreach efforts and that will require far more funds than the two of us can supply. That’s why we formed Donna Partow International, so people can partner with us if they feel inclined to do so. They can check out our website at http://www.donnapartow.com/

Donna’s Last Words from a prior interview:
My passion is for people to catch the vision for life lived to the fullest--to convince them, on a heart level, that the Christian life is either the greatest adventure the world has ever known or it is nothing at all.

My goal is to create an atmosphere where God can work, so he can speak to each woman in a way that's so personal, so powerful, that even if she lives for 100 years, no one can ever take away the reality of that God-moment.

Lots of people can entertain, inform and even inspire people. So that's really not part of my mission. In reality, Americans don't need more entertainment, information or inspiration. What we need is transformation. What we need is changed lives: changed marriages, changed families, changed cities. That's something only God can do. Fortunately, He does it every day, all over the world. I've seen it with my own eyes. From the jungles of Panama and Papua New Guinea to schools and crowded steeet corners in Latin America. I've seen it, first-hand, in the lives of former prostitutes in Thailand and former terrorists in Northern Ireland. I've been with a team of teenagers that led 18,000 people to Christ in 10 days. I've also wept with a former Muslim--a man who had been tortured for his faith--as he sang to God on his knees in a cave in Turkey.

God does more than inform; he transforms. So my job, basically, is to stay out of God's way and let him do what he does best. This is my second time speaking at The Gathering in the Ozarks and I'm convinced God is bringing me back for a reason. I'll be coming to you just days after returning from Brazil, where one of the most powerful revivals in the world is currently taking place, where Christians routinely fill the sports stadiums for all night worship services. My prayer is that i can catch some of their fire and bring it to Arkansas with me!

And I would LOVE to bring some fire to New Zealand, too

Filoiann: Donna thank you again for blessing us with this interview, I believe your heart and your passion most definitely ignites others into being that vessel for God. May God continue to bless your ministry here in the states and abroad for His g1ory.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Interview with Michelle Brown

Interview with Michelle Brown
He Reigns Ministry

Filoiann: Welcome Michelle Brown and thank you for taking the time to do this interview. First, please tell us a little about your self?

Michelle: I am a single mom with four children ages 7 (Kennedy), 9 (Teylan), 16 (Audreanna), and 18 (Evan). I am the founder of HE Reigns Ministries in Harrisburg, PA. I am a woman of God who loves the Lord. God had blessed me to play many roles such as, a Women's Care Group Leader, Youth Director, Director of Ministry Support, Conference speaker, Writer, and Counselor.

Filoiann: You truly are a woman of many gifts, talents and strengths. I commend you; being a mom is a blessing but can also be hard work but being a single mom can be twice as difficult and on top of that you minister to others in different capacities. It is evident that God truly is your source of strength. Bless you sister! Please tell us how you became involved in He Reigns Ministry and why?

Michelle: God has always had His hand on me. I grew up with a Christian background and was very involved in church activities. At a young age, it was evident that God was going to use me to deliver a message for Him. I didn’t know what or when but I knew God’s hand was on me even during the “prodigal” period of my life. It took God’s perfect timing, the pain of my life experiences and His unfailing love to bring me to the point where I was willing and able to be used for such a responsibility and honor. I have experienced a greater peace in my life and the ability to trust God in all things. The depth of God's love revealed to me that I wasn't truly committed to Christ even though He was committed to me. The width of His love brought me to a place of brokenness as God began showing me how to be wholeheartedly devoted to Him after He turned my former problems into a platform for ministry, all the while, the length and height of His love began to heal me and make me whole. As a result, He Reigns Ministries is my grateful response to His unfailing love and faithfulness to me.

HE Reigns Ministries is a ministry birthed straight from my experience of God’s sovereignty. God has been working in my life over the years and has brought me to the place where I have accepted my calling to walk in my God given purpose. The ministry mission statement is: “Believing God to the Point of No Compromise and Walking It Out as a Lifestyle.”

I am moving forward in ministry based on the urgency God has placed on my heart. Many Christians are living defeated lives, held in bondage from their past or present situations. God’s will is for us to live abundantly, which requires us to know Him intimately (believing God) so we can completely trust Him (enough to not compromise in our daily walk) in our lives and live holy before God (walk it out as a lifestyle) through the power that He has deposited in us.

Filoiann: What an amazing testimony of God’s faithfulness. Bless you for your heart to share your life with others and serve people in this way. Please explain what your ministry does for the community and what it hopes to accomplish?

Michelle: I believe that God has given me a captivating speaking style that is humorous and insightful with real life illustrations. I am a woman being used of God, providing practical instruction and biblical direction for life's issues. I, through Christ offer hope and transformation to women and men who long to believe God to the point of no compromise and walk it out as a lifestyle. I point Christians to the realization that God accomplishes extraordinary things through ordinary people.

God has been creatingan effectual open door for the HE Reigns message across the country by way of conferences, retreats and workshops and Let’s Walk It Out small groups. I believe the fields are ripe for harvest but the laborers are few. God has called me to be a laborer for Him.

Filoiann: Amen! People everywhere need to know that there is always hope in Jesus and through His Word God and the Holy Spirit He continues to give us instructions in our everyday life. May God continue to anoint you and your ministry in all you do for Him. What words of wisdom or advice would you like to impart to those who are reading this interview in regards to being a person of purpose?

Michelle: In order to be a person of purpose you must first discover what your purpose in the kingdom is. Many of us have an idea but aren’t quite sure if it sounds holy enough. Pray and ask God, don’t second guess what HE has laid on your heart. If it is to open a coffee shop and your theme be godly by playing Christian music, Christian themes all around the place and a warm heart showing and sharing God’s love….it could be your calling. Anything is a tool in the holy hands of God!

I would encourage you that whatever you do in your life you would do it believing God first and foremost. That you would not compromise in your decision making, thinking that you have to perform for the world. God is an audience of one and we only need to seek His approval. Finally, that you would let your light so shine that it would be evident who you serve through your “walk it out.”

Filoiann: I whole heartedly agree, praying for God’s purpose in your life is the best place to start. I also loved your comment that, “God is an audience of one”. We are created to serve God and not perform for the world. I believe the world has enough entertainment but what it really needs is Jesus. Thank you for sharing. What type of support does your ministry rely on and how can people reach you if they would like to contribute or find out more information?

Michelle: HE Reigns solely relies on donations. God has used His people to bless this ministry through donations and some have done a monthly sponsorship for the HE Reigns Newsletter. A donation can be made on the website at http://www.hereignsministries.org/ with paypal. If you wish to reach me for more information or to set up a speaking engagement you can email me at or call me at 717-421-3811. Please keep the ministry in prayer.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Interview with Pastor Julius Maina Mbayachi

“People of Purpose” Interview
Pastor Julius Maina Mbayachi

Filoiann: Welcome Pastor Julius and thank you for doing this interview with me. Please tell us a little about your self?

Pastor Julius: I am Pastor Julius Maina Mbayachi from Kenya, Africa. I was born in 1968 and married to one wife by name of Pamella Malesi Maina and we have six children and the first three are boys and the last three are girls. We have been married for 18 years.

Filoiann: Praise the Lord for your beautiful family. Please tell us how you became involved in your ministry and why?

Pastor Julius: l became involved in ministry after getting born again in 1984 and was later trained in discipleship for one year and was sent in the field for winning souls for the Kingdom. l was being told by my mentor that l had a calling of a shepherd but l refused. Time came when it was confirmed three times and l felt l was released to go for ministry to serve others. This was proven by the way l handled and served people.

Filoiann: Your testimony is a great example of how the Lord will not only call us but He will also confirm it. Please explain what exactly your ministry does for the community and what does it hope to accomplish?

Pastor Julius: We are reaching the community with the good news of Jesus Christ and also we are doing with the little resources we have available to help the poor by giving them food, clothes and other essential needs. We are also praying that we get training to provide clean water for the community as we share the good news of Jesus.

Filoiann: Your community outreaches are powerful and effective because you share the good news of Jesus Christ but also you put actions to your words by ministering in practical ways to the poor and the needy. It reminds me of the passage, “Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.” NKJV- James 1:27. Could you please share one particular example where your ministry made a significant impact on an individual or group and how?

Pastor Julius: Our ministry reached out one day in a village with the good news of Jesus Christ and shared the good news to a woman who was almost dying of the HIV-AIDS virus. She received Jesus Christ and we encouraged her to come to church for worship and when she came to the church service she was again preached to and given hope. Thank God she is completely healed and today she is in church and her example has led many to know Jesus Christ.

Filoiann: WOW… is what I say to your testimony! This is a powerful story of how God is still in the business of hope, healing and miracles. Amen! Would you like to share a few words of wisdom or advice to those who are reading this interview in regards to being a person of purpose?

Pastor Julius: We have to accept and be willing to get equipped to do the work of the ministry because we cannot do it in our own power. We should intensify prayer first to know our position where we are called to serve in the body of Christ.

Filoiann: Amen. I pray many will be encouraged to not run away from their calling and purpose but embrace it as God’s plan for their lives. What type of support does your ministry rely on and how can people reach you if they would like more information?

Pastor Julius: We rely entirely on the Lord and the offerings and contributions we may get from the partners in ministry and friends. You can reach us by calling me on +254 721 379 873 or email me on jmbayachi@yahoo.com.

Filoiann: Thank you again Pastor Julius for this wonderful interview. May the Lord continue to bless you a hundred fold for doing the work of the ministry, which is the ministry of reconciliation through Jesus Christ. I encourage anyone who is looking for a ministry to support to please consider supporting Pastor Julius Mbayachi in Kenya Africa. You may go onto my website http://www.filoiannwiedenhoff.com/ and view the slide show of His ministry.

Filoiann Wiedenhoff is a pastor’s wife, women’s biblical counselor, bible teacher, writer and columnist. You can visit her website http://www.filoiannwiedenhoff.com/ and sign-up for her monthly newsletter.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Interview with Author/Speaker Tricia Goyer

"People of Purpose”

People Making an Impact!
Interview with Tricia Goyer

Filoiann: Welcome Tricia and thank you so much for doing this interview with me. First, please tell us a little about your self?

Tricia: From Tricia’s website: Tricia Goyer is the author of twelve books including From Dust and Ashes, My Life UnScripted, and the children's book, 10 Minutes to Showtime. She won Historical Novel of the Year in 2005 and 2006 from ACFW, and was honored with the Writer of the Year award from Mt. Hermon Writer's Conference in 2003. Tricia's book Life Interrupted was a finalist for the Gold Medallion in 2005. In addition to her novels, Tricia writes non-fiction books and magazine articles for publications like Today's Christian Woman and Focus on the Family. Tricia is a regular speaker at conventions and conferences, and has been a workshop presenter at the MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) International Conventions. She lives with her husband John, and their three children in the mountains of Montana.

Filoiann: Praise God! Your writing has truly been an inspiration and encouragement to me and many others. Please tell us how you became a published author and why?

Tricia: I first started writing in 1993, when I was pregnant with my third child. A friend at church was writing a novel and something clicked when she told me about it. (Cindy Martinusen now has five novels published!)

Looking back, I realized I had the heart of a writer before that. I LOVED to read. I made up all types of stories in my head. I won a few essay contests in high school, but it took a friend’s encouragement to “click.”

Filoiann: I love when that happens. Many times we don’t know what our calling or purpose is until that “AHAH!” moment. Please share with us how your writing can impact a community and what do you hope to accomplish as a published author?

Tricia: I hope that people will realize God can help them in any situation. In both the fiction and non-fiction books I write…I want to convey the hope and life-changing power of Jesus Christ. There is a common theme that runs through my novels and that is LIBERATION. There are definite scenes of physical liberation, but underlying messages of spiritual liberation. When I first started writing these novels I realized that I was like my characters that are imprisoned. I was in a horrible place until Jesus came and swung open the doors to my freedom. Hallelujah!

Filoiann: Amen! People are always searching for hope in their life and situations and spiritual liberation is so needed in today’s society. What words of wisdom or advice would you like to impart to those who are reading this interview in regards to being a person of purpose?

Tricia: God has wonderful dreams for what He longs to do in your life too. When it comes to my novels, I depend on God to unfold the story as I research and write. I have faith that He sees the end of the story, even before I write one word. It's the same with our lives. God sees the end of the story. And He knows how to unfold each chapter before us--with His perfect end in mind. It's our job to stay tuned-in, ready to face the next plot twist with His guidance, wisdom and strength.

Filoiann: Thank you Tricia for those encouraging words of wisdom. I love what you said about God seeing the end of the story. God definitely knows the beginning and the end and that gives me a peace that I don’t have to try and figure it all out on my own.

Tricia thank you again for this interview, I pray that God continues to bless you a hundred fold as you write for Him and through Him. God Bless You!

Please don’t forget to check out her website and published books! You can check out her website for more info on http://www.triciagoyer.com/.

Filoiann Wiedenhoff is a pastor’s wife, woman’s