What is People of Purpose?

This blog was created for the sole purpose to encourage and motivate people to know that God has a plan and purpose for every individual on this earth, as they seek God's will through Jesus Christ. Jeremiah 29:11 says, "For I know the Plans I have for you says the Lord".

Our hope is all who read this blog would be inspired and empowered to know that God has made you uniquely you for a reason and purpose and as you read these interviews you will be motivated to make an impact on others lives also.

We will have interviews from people who are using their gifts, talents and abilities along with life experiences to make an impact in their own community and abroad. Some will be using their voices, athletic abilities, writing, community work, evangelism and service for God's glory to minister and make an impact one person at a time. Check back every month and sign up for our monthly newsletter to read the new monthly interviews posted here.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Interview with Thelma Wells

Filoiann: For starters, please read Thelma’s amazing biography:

From times of singing in a dark closet to the founding of a national women’s mentoring ministry, Thelma Wells' life has been a courageous journey of faith. Thelma grew up to become a trailblazer for black women, a prominent international speaker and author, and a wife, mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother. As a student at North Texas State University in Denton, Texas (now the University of North Texas), she was a member of the first group of girls to integrate the school’s dormitories. She earned her Bachelor’s degree there and eventually received a Master’s of Ministry from Master’s International School of Divinity in Evansville, Indiana. In 2002 she became the school’s first black female professor. Thelma has been married to George Wells, her best friend, supporter, and encourager, for over 47 years. The couple lives in Dallas, Texas, and has three children, eight grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. Her latest book is in stores now called, “Don’t Give in God Wants YOU to Win”.

Filoiann: Thank you Thelma for doing this interview with me. Please tell us how you became involved in this ministry and why?

Thelma: As an international speaker for governmental agencies, corporations, colleges and universities and other secular organizations I was not allowed to be as bold with the Word of God that I felt led to be. I prayed and asked God to give me a forum where I could speak out boldly for Him. In 1994 He opened the door for me to get my own television show and I called it “A Woman of God.” Thus was born the name of my present ministry, A Woman of God Ministries.

Filoiann: Please explain what Woman of God Ministries does for the community and what it hopes to accomplish?

Thelma: Our vision is quite simple. We believe God has birthed this ministry to cause effective, positive change in the people we serve, their families and their communities, by motivating and encouraging them to be their best for God. We believe that we have been raised up, in part, as fruit to teach, preach, and be an example of the Titus 2:3-5 and Proverbs 31woman. We have the vision to see as many people healed, saved and delivered by God’s grace, and empowered by the Holy Spirit to do the work for which God called them.

The Purpose of A Woman of God MinistriesThe purpose of our existence is to lift up the Name of Jesus Christ and to provide a "safe place" for those who have been wounded by the world so that they can be saved, healed, set free, and matured in Christ Jesus our Lord. Our Motto is: “In Christ, you can BEE the best!” Philippians 4:13By God’s Help we can: Bee Aware of who we are Eliminate the negatives Strive for Eternal Value Have overwhelming Success!B+E+E=S

Filoiann: Amen! What a powerful ministry that empowers, encourages and supports women to BEE themselves in Christ as conquerors through His power and glory. Would you like to share an example of how your ministry has made an impact on an individual or group and how?

Thelma: The following note sample is what I get all the time. There are so many examples that I can’t count them. Praise God!

Hi Thelma,
I attended my very first Women Of Faith conference in 1998. I was alone, recently divorced, and very much lonely. You shared with us that when your daughters called you with a pressing issue or concern you told them to turn on the praise music for one hour and then call you back. Often times they didn't have to call you back because whatever was so all consuming one hour before was not such a problem after spending an hour praising our Father. I have shared this and done it many times over the years. It is true you can't worry and praise God at the same time! I know God has great and awesome things in store and I am excited to see and follow on the internet where he is taking you next! I will be praying for you!

Filoiann: Since I have personally heard your testimony, I now encourage others to listen to praise music when they are down and discouraged. Thelma, what words of wisdom or advice would you like to impart to those who are reading this interview in regards to being a person of purpose?

Thelma: God has a purpose and a plan for each person’s life regardless to their beginnings or what happens in their life. I believe the only person who can keep you from accomplishing your purpose, goals, dreams and desires is YOU. We cannot blame the events of the past, the systems we are under, our families or friends for out not accomplishing what we were born to do. We miss out on these accomplishments when we become complacent, apathetic, angry, bitter, self-centered and indulge in self-pity.

I wear a bumblebee broach every day to remind me that “In Christ, I can BEE the best!” according to Philippians 4:13. With prayer, feelings of self-worth, Bible study, choosing encouraging friends, forgiving people for hurting us, daydreaming about the good things in life and preparation to accomplish our destiny, we can accomplish much at whatever age we are and whatever our social status is. One great reminder is, God loves each of us, and there’s nothing we can do about that. We are to love ourselves enough to trust God to accomplish what He started in us as He promised in Psalm 138:8.

Filoiann: We know that ministries need support. Please tell us what type of support does your ministry rely on and how can people reach you if they would like more information?

Thelma: There are two kinds of support that this ministry relies on. I have an expert team of independent contractors that work diligently with me and my daughter Vikki Wells to make sure nothing falls between the systems. These seventeen people form the Dream Team and function in their responsibilities with professionalism and peak performance.
The other type of support is financial. Because we have so many projects that are working to build the kingdom of God, we need weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual financial contributions to fund the building of a retreat center that will be built especially for couples who are having issues and want a safe and out of the way place to get guidance and healing, and hurting women who need a get-away for a little while to think, pray and regroup. It will be a HAVEN NEAR THE LAKE in a small town in Texas. The land had been purchased waiting on this building to be erected. This project will cost $1,000.000.00 to build and furnish. We also plan to build a church in Africa in an area where there is no church available that will cost the ministry $3,500.00. We have the people to oversee the building we just need the money. We want to revive our scholarship program for single mothers who want to complete their college education. We have given $2,500.00 in the past to the school of higher education where the student (single mother) is enrolled. Any financial assistance given to either of these projects is tax deductible under A Woman of God Ministries, Non-Profit, 501(c)3. Any donation amount is deeply appreciated.

Filoiann: Thank you again Thelma for doing this interview. These are wonderful projects that God is going to use for His Glory. Your ministry truly empowers women to be Women of God. Please don’t forget to visit her website at http://www.thelmawells.com/ and check out her latest books!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

New Ebook! Pastoral Helps through Grief and Loss

If you or someone you know is going through grief and loss you can download my free ebook from my website! Here's the direct link:
It's a short and practical pamphlet to help encourage and bring enlightenment to the grieving process. It also shares how God can be your comfort if you will allow Him to.
Please check it out and if you like it feel free to leave me a comment on my website through the contact page.
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God Bless!
Filoiann Wiedenhoff